2023 Caterpillar/Bradley UX Challenge

UX design
Meeting in CAT offices
Project type
UX design
Project year

2023 Caterpillar/Bradley UX Challenge.

In the fall semester of 2023 I took Advanced Interaction Design. I and the rest of my classmates were split into 4 teams, assigned two Caterpillar UX mentors and given 10 weeks to address an issue with the CAT S.O.S. Fluid Analysis Preregistration feature. Not enough people that used fluid analysis were preregistering their samples and we are supposed to fix that with a design.

Over the 10 weeks we made sketches, user flows, personas, and 3 iterations of our design. We then made a script and task list and asynchronously administered user tests of our prototypes to real CAT users. At the end of the 10 weeks my team and I worked from 9-5 at the Caterpillar offices with our mentors to create our 4th and final iteration and then presented our design to cat employees and a panel of judges. The audience and judges and decided after a week that my team had won the challenge.

Here is an article about my team: https://www.bradley.edu/heres-the-latest/story.dot?id=67753276d34bddf42b98b41f2828872e

Here is the final presentation we made: https://www.figma.com/proto/2AHKrP5XM5JnRtGXCSXfCP/Final-Cat-Project-Presentation?node-id=1-2&starting-point-node-id=1%3A2

Here is the Figma file my team compiled all of our work and process into: https://www.figma.com/file/0tzJbv3rhuADCCc42xogj3/Cat-Project-Files-%7C--Charlotte%2C-Ellie%2C-Rider?type=design&node-id=785%3A2139&mode=design&t=3j6sjWMDredVO2Ap-1

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